Youth Baseball School Ends Tonight!

Youth Baseball School Enrollment Ends Tonight!

Youth Baseball School Enrollment Ends Tonight!

Hey!Just a quick courtesy reminder that Youth Baseball School Enrollment Ends tonight at midnight PST.For $1, you can get access to all of these baseball courses:

  • Finding Clarity: A Mindful Look Into the Art of Hitting (Kevin Wilson, founder of KWBaseball and former pro player)

  • Pregame Power Up: 20 Tee Drills (Doug Bernier, founder of Pro Baseball Insider and former MLB player)

  • Catching Mechanics 101 (Rob Bowen, former MLB catcher)

  • Game Charts, the Best Tool to Improve Players (Bob McCreary, founder of Baseball By the Yard and former pro player and coach)

  • Guide to Commanding Location (Dustin Pease, founder of Lokation Nation and former pro player)

  • Effective Parent Communication (Joe Ferraro, founder of the One Percent Better Project, Podcaster, and HS baseball coach)

  • How to Win the Recruiting Game (Phill Shallenberger, Cairn University Head Coach)

  • Swing Basics (Tim Elliott, HS, JH, and youth coach of every level for 25 years!)

You’ll also get access to 10 more courses, including more hitting courses, fielding courses, practice plans, drills, and more!Then there’s the YBS Community, where you get access to YBS Contributors and other members. The conversations inside YBS are already starting and we can tell you one thing. This won’t just be helpful and valuable….it’ll be FUN!Whether you’re a beginner, travel ball player, youth coach, travel coach, HS coach, instructor, or simply a parent who wants to help your kiddo with baseball, YBS has something for you.See for yourself for $1!Just remember enrollment closes at midnight. After that, YBS will be closed until its next enrollment (possibly spring 2020).Hope to see you inside!JoePS: If you stick around after your 7 day trial, you’ll still get a 30 day guarantee! ZERO risk.