1% Wednesday 5/1/19

1% Wednesday 

A short note to help you get 1% better today.

This Week's Video

1% Better Lost and Found  https://youtu.be/AQlFs4dtr4w

On This Week's Podcast . . .

Kim Darche flipped the script and interviewed me. She asked me some extraordinary questions that gave me pause, and if you have not listened, I guarantee that they will you give you pause as well.Kim has collected questions throughout her life and has utilized their power on her journey as a lifelong learner.  If that's not a 1% Better endorsement, I don't know what is.Many of the questions have been polished and honed by over the years, but one resource she did mention on air is http://36questionsinlove.com/ Certainly worth a look.Do you have a favorite question to ask people? Hit reply and share it with me.  It might just show up on a future 1% Better Episode.As always, thanks for listening!--JF 

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